The Incredible Benefits of Sound Therapy for Seniors
04 September 2020

No matter your age, listening to your favorite songs is one of the great joys of life. Music can uplift us when we’re feeling low, calm us when we’re angry, and motivate us when we need to focus.
If you’re a senior or caring for one, you may be surprised to learn that music can provide great value to them as a form of therapy.
In fact, the healing effects of sound can be very beneficial for seniors interested in boosting their physical and mental well-being.
Reducing the Risk of Falling with Exercise
No matter your age, listening to your favorite songs is one of the great joys of life. Music can uplift us when we’re feeling low, calm us when we’re angry, and motivate us when we need to focus.
If you’re a senior or caring for one, you may be surprised to learn that music can provide great value to them as a form of therapy.
In fact, the healing effects of sound can be very beneficial for seniors interested in boosting their physical and mental well-being.
Ancient Sound Therapy Practices

Sound healing or therapy has been used as a form of therapy for many centuries. Ancient civilizations such as those in Greece, India, Egypt, and Tibet have consistently used sound and vibrations to heal the body.
Sound therapy can be done through different instruments such as tuning forks, drums, gongs, and singing bowls. During a therapy session, people can chant along with the sounds, move gently, or simply lie still to feel the vibrations in their bodies.
Ancient Sound Therapy Practices
Sound therapy can do wonders to help seniors lower their stress levels, increase relaxation, and stimulate brain activity. Deep sounds are great for invoking feelings of calm and happiness that benefit the physical body.
Music and sound therapies are also non-invasive so they don’t need to break the skin or introduce medical instruments into the body. There are also no concerns for seniors about potentially triggering negative side effects.

If a senior is experiencing some sort of discomfort or pain, a sound therapist can pick the perfect equipment and approach to try and heal the person in need.
Some of the ways in which sound therapy can benefit seniors include:
Reducing high blood pressure
Lowering pain levels
Cutting down stress & anxiety levels
Improving sleep quality
Mantras as Sound Therapy
In the book Sound Medicine, leading neurologist Kulreet Chaudhary, M.D. explores the importance of sound, vibration, and mantras to human health.
Through chanting mantras, the mind is able to decrease negative thoughts and stress. Mantras have also been shown to improve attention, promote good moods, and increase concentration.
Music Therapy for Dementia & Parkinson's Patients

Music therapy has been shown to help people suffering from dementia, which can cause memory loss, a shortened attention span, and reduced cognitive capability.
In fact, dementia patients are generally happier and more cooperative when they are treated with music or sound therapy.
Music has the power to evoke forgotten memories, feelings, and physical sensations within human beings.
Hearing a song from happier times in their past can help dementia patients recover lost memories effectively.
Sounds can actually activate different areas of the brain band stimulate speech function on a cellular level.
This activation can help seniors with dementia communicate better or even start singing to express themselves in ways they couldn’t before.
Music can also help dementia patients exercise more regularly by making it more of a fun activity. Music helps set the pace and repetitive nature of exercise to help seniors focus.
For people diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, music can help them move more easily.
Listening to great sounds can increase the production of dopamine in their brain’s which can often be at low levels due to Parkinson’s.
As you can see, there are many great reasons for seniors to try sound therapy. Doing so can boost feelings of calm and happiness while reducing stress and anxiety levels.
Music therapy is also very helpful for seniors diagnosed with debilitating illnesses such as dementia and Parkinson’s disease. Familiar sounds can do wonders to bring back good memories, improve speech, and encourage seniors to be more active.
To learn more about how Rose’s Agency Home Care can take care of you, please contact us by clicking here.