A Healthy Start to 2021 for Seniors
26 January 2021

As we all know, the past year has been challenging and stressful. The COVID-19 pandemic changed everybody’s lives and forced us to adapt to new routines. Seniors in particular had to adjust to the new reality and faced some difficulties doing so.
Many of us are ready to start 2021 on a positive note and leave behind the unrest and anxieties of 2020. Fortunately, there are many ways in which seniors can move forward and improve their well-being in the new year.
January is a wonderful time to set some goals that promote health and well-being. With all the changes in the past year, it’s an ideal time to reaffirm good habits that may have been forgotten about. Taking charge and creating new goals is also a wonderful way to forget about negative circumstances and instead focus on positive change.
We wanted to highlight some great goals that seniors can set for 2021. Seniors that practice self-care in uncertain times often experience better health and a reduction in stress. Keep reading to learn more!
Volunteering & Helping Others

Did you know that setting out to help others can actually end up helping you as well? Volunteering for a good cause has been proven to boost mental health and wellbeing. Additionally, research has shown that volunteers may also live longer! Among older volunteers, many studies have shown lower disability than those who don’t volunteer.
Helping others also helps seniors interact with other people and reduce the risk of isolation and loneliness. Having a sense of purpose is very important for all people, seniors included. The benefits of volunteering can be even more pronounced for seniors going through a transition, personal difficulties, or those in rural areas.
Switch to a Nutritiously Rich Diet

Seniors that switch to nutrient-rich diets have been known to experience many positive health benefits. Although lifelong eating habits can be difficult to change in the later stages of life, it is still possible to implement small changes.
Start by paying attention to how much sugar is in your juices, desserts, and snacks. See if you can change out high-sugar foods with fruits and vegetables instead. If you’re eating meat every single day, try out a ‘Meatless Monday’ in which you eat beans, legumes, or tofu instead. Eating healthy can be addicting, so you may find yourself making even more healthy changes in the long-run!
Find More Ways to Move

Getting older doesn’t mean you have to stop moving. In fact, seniors can benefit tremendously from finding fun activities to participate in. Exercises such as swimming, yoga, and speed walking can be great for seniors looking to get moving. Group activities are especially good for seniors looking to meet new people and make friends.
Physical activity can also come in more casual ways. Simply cooking, cleaning, or gardening also counts as healthy movement. If you are able to, take the stairs when possible instead of waiting for the elevator. Always check in with your doctor before making any changes to your activity to make sure you are doing so safely.
Challenge Your Mind

As children, we are always learning something new and challenging our brains. Unfortunately, the opportunities to do so tend to decline as we get older. Thankfully, the new year can be a perfect opportunity to challenge your mind again and learn something new.
You’re never too old to learn and start on a new adventure such as photography or bird watching. In fact, seniors who continue learning help keep their minds sharp and healthy in the long-run.
As you can see, there are so many great goals that seniors can choose from to start 2021 off strong. Setting some goals can be a great way to focus on creating positive and healthy elements in our lives. Getting older doesn’t mean you have to stop learning new things, being active, or helping others. In fact, doing these things can help boost your mental and physical health over time. So get out there and make 2021 the best year yet!
To learn how Rose’s Agency Home Care can help improve your quality of life, please contact us by clicking here.