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The Diabetic Diet

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A client who follows a diabetic diet requires a few precautions when preparing meals for them. It is important to know that you must eliminate any carbohydrates as far as white potatoes, white bread, pasta, muffins, any fried foods, such as french fries, and foods with a high level of processed sugars should be avoided at all times.

A few holistic herbs that assist with regulating the blood sugar levels:

Fenugreek - A unique herb that aids those with diabetes. In the past studies have shown that it helps with the reduction of blood sugar levels and hemoglobin A1c, a marker of long-term blood sugar control.

Fenugreek is often used for appetite control, slowing down digestion and the absorption of carbohydrates. It may also assist with cholesterol levels, heartburn, inflammation, kidney ailments, tuberculosis, Cancer, Parkinson's disease, and exercise performance.

Gymnema - Contains substances that decrease the amount of sugar absorption from the intestines which is very important with a diabetic diet. It might also increase the amount of insulin in the body and increase the growth of cells in the pancreas.

Studies have shown that people use Gymnema for a few different reasons like diabetes, obesity, a digestive stimulant, and an appetite suppressant.

Important* - Gymnema can affect blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Watch for signs of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and monitor your blood sugar carefully if you have diabetes and use gymnema.

Ginseng - People have traditionally taken ginseng to help with a range of medical conditions such as increasing energy levels, regulating blood sugar and cholesterol levels, sharpening cognitive function, and reducing stress.

Recent studies have also shown that ginseng and its components attenuate hyperglycemia in two ways, the first through enhancing pancreatic B-cell function and the other through reducing insulin resistance making this the ideal herb to take daily when treating/preventing diabetes.

Tumeric - The ingredient curcumin may assist in controlling diabetes by helping to stabilize blood sugar levels, making diabetes more manageable. Studies have shown that it can reduce blood sugar levels, increase insulin sensitivity, and prevent weight gain.

This antioxidant also helps eliminate inflammation in the body. In addition, it is commonly promoted as a dietary supplement for a variety of conditions, including arthritis, digestive disorders, respiratory infections, allergies, liver disease, depression, and many others.

Green tea is said to be great for people with diabetes as it helps the metabolic system to function better. A cup of green tea in the mornings will help regulate the clients insulin levels.

Green tea contains substances called polyphenols, which are antioxidants that help reduce oxidative stress, which decreases chances of heart disease that is elevated in people with diabetes.


It is important to include daily exercise in the clients weekly routine. Exercising helps eliminate the toxins in the body as well as manage the stress levels in the body. When the body is stressed, it tends to cause weakness in the body leaving the client un-motivated to stick to their daily routine. Stress causes depression, which can cause the client to be extremely irritable. The client could also lose interest in their favorite foods or hobbies they’ve once enjoyed.

A healthy diet and active life style will help the clients mood and over all well being. It is important to make sure your clients diet is filled with leafy green vegetables such as asparagus, brussel sprouts, brocollini, kale, spinach, and green beans. Healthy carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, quinoa and brown rice. Lean meats like chicken are a good source of protein for a diabetic client as well.

Make sure your client follows a well balanced diet to maintain optimal health.

Tashma Body,

Care Manager


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